2019 Provincial Music and Arts Festival Results

May 25-26, 2019

Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals (AMAF) congratulates all participants in the 2019 Provincial Music and Arts Festival for their excellent performances. We were delighted to see that all 30 member festivals and their communities were represented. Further congratulations are extended to the recipients of the awards listed below. AMAF thanks its generous financial supporters and scholarship donors. A special thank you is extended to all volunteers. Without the support of sponsors, donors and volunteers, this event would not be possible.

Manitoba Composition Competition

Three compositions were entered in the competition, with the following results:
Award Winner: Pierre Desorcy
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Preliminary, Junior, Intermediate, Advanced, Senior Classes

Preliminary Vocal

1st Place: Antonietta Bueti (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Bruch-Wiens Scholarship

2nd Place: Jazmin Farley (Niverville, MB) - Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Meridian Arts Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Jessica Ramachandran (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior Vocal

1st Place: Dariyan Dubik (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Brandon Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Carter Martin (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Rolling River Festival of the Arts Scholarship

3rd Place: Shelby Wytinck (Cypress River , MB) – Tiger Hills Festival of The Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Intermediate Vocal

1st Place: Randi Roy (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Prairie Sounds Festival
Mercier Family Scholarship

2nd Place: Stephanie Bell (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

3rd Place: Mathieu Reimer (Lorette, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival Scholarship

Advanced Vocal

1st Place: Rose Sanders (Manitou, MB) – Pembina Valley Music Festival
Shirley Penner Scholarship

2nd Place: Svetlana Gharagyozyan (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Shirley Penner Scholarship

Preliminary Piano

1st Place: Danita Zhang (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Claire DuBois Scholarship

2nd Place: Xinshu (Angel) He (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Morden Festival of the Arts Scholarship

3rd Place: Joel Harnett (Niverville, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Red River Valley Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Preliminary J.S. Bach: Ashley Kaluzny (Starbuck, MB) – Meridian Arts Festival
Jean & Lorne Chapple Memorial Scholarship

Junior Piano

1st Place: Victoria Lee (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Carberry Music and Arts Festival Scholarship

2nd Place: Elias Mierau (Winkler, MB) – Winkler Festival of the Arts
North Western Marquette Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Marie Janke (Steinbach, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior J.S. Bach: Victoria Lee (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Jean & Lorne Chapple Memorial Scholarship

Intermediate Piano

1st Place: Anna-Lucia Mena Shevchenko (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Meridian Arts Festival Scholarship

2nd Place: Malena Neufeld (Steinbach, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Winnipeg Music Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Tristen Kaluzny (Starbuck, MB) – Meridian Arts Festival
Virden Music & Arts Festival Scholarship

Intermediate J.S. Bach: Malena Neufeld (Steinbach, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Jean & Lorne Chapple Memorial Scholarship

Advanced Piano

1st Place: Seanne Jacob Buenafe (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Raven McKenzie (St. Lazare, MB) – Birdtail River Fine Arts Festival
Prairie Sounds Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Georg Neuhofer (Roblin, MB) – North Western Marquette Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Advanced J.S. Bach: Paige Adam (Winnipeg, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Jean & Lorne Chapple Memorial Scholarship

Senior Piano

1st Place: Anna Schwartz (Fort Frances, ON) – Red River Valley Festival of the Arts
James G. McFee Memorial Scholarship

2nd Place: Anica Warkentine (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association Scholarship

Senior J.S. Bach: Anna Schwartz (Fort Frances, ON) – Red River Valley Festival of the Arts
Jean & Lorne Chapple Memorial Scholarship

Preliminary Strings

1st Place: Jude Villaluz-Rigey (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Logan Wiebe (Winkler, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior Strings

1st Place: Bella-Sophia Rogers (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Gordon Braybrook Memorial Scholarship

2nd Place: Samuel Kroeker (Morden, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Vi Streuber Memorial Scholarship

Intermediate Strings

1st Place: Thomas Kroeker (Morden, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Sophie Reimer-Epp (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Vi Streuber Memorial Scholarship

Advanced Strings

1st Place: Ava Smith (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Tiger Hills Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Cecilia Sanders (Manitou, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Morden Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Preliminary Classical Guitar

1st Place: Ulrich Moller (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Sydney Komanac (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Winnipeg Music Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Marek Goller (Ste. Agathe, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior Classical Guitar

1st Place: Antoni Klonowski (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Intermediate Classical Guitar

1st Place: Brett Knott (Wasagamack, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Stephan Engelbrecht (Brandon, MB) - Brandon Festival of the Arts
Southeastern Manitoba Festival Scholarship

Advanced Classical Guitar

1st Place: Alyssa Cohen (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Gloria Aza Farje (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Preliminary Woodwinds

1st Place: Seungyeon (Sophie) Lee (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Vivian Zhao (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Winnipeg Music Festival Scholarship

Intermediate Woodwinds

1st Place: Qichang (Shelley) Shen (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Catherine M. Wood Scholarship

2nd Place: Bryce Kabatay (Fort Frances, ON) – Rainy River District Festival of the Performing Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Advanced Woodwinds

1st Place: Alexandra Funk (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Manitoba Band Association Scholarship

Junior Brass

1st Place: Sam Ferguson (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Manitoba Band Association Scholarship

Junior Chamber Group

1st Place: Awesome Foursome (Isla Penner, Asher Yip, Elazar Schwartz & Sophie Caron) (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Morna-June Morrow Scholarship

2nd Place: Bella-Sophia Rogers, Mikayla Sawatzky & Estella Roberts (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Preliminary Canadian Composers

1st Place: Antonietta Bueti (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Alexus Lee (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

3rd Place: Joshua Fehr (Winkler, MB) – Winkler Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Preliminary MB Composers Award: Sarah Stephens (Pilot Mound, MB) – Rock Lake Festival of the Arts
S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Manitoba Composers Scholarship

Junior Canadian Composers

1st Place: Capri Derenchuk-Ganaden (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Boissevain Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Karson Perche (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Pembina Valley Music Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Bella-Sophia Rogers (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Rolling River Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Junior MB Composers Award: Karson Perche (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Manitoba Composers Scholarship

Intermediate Canadian Composers

1st Place: Azaria Neuschwander (Gladstone, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Rolling River Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Heidi Cowie (Glenboro, MB) – Tiger Hills Festival of the Arts
Hurton Family Scholarship

3rd Place: Hannah Storsley (East St. Paul, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Intermediate MB Composers Award: Jessica Ramachandran (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Prairie Sounds Festival
S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Manitoba Composers Scholarship

Advanced Canadian Composers

1st Place: Kasia Swintak (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Angela Suet Kee Ng (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Dr. Lorne Watson Memorial Scholarship

Advanced MB Composers

Award: Rose Sanders (Manitou, MB) – Pembina Valley Music Festival
S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Manitoba Composers Scholarship

Senior Canadian Composers

1st Place: Elisheva Schwartz (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Dr. Lorne Watson Scholarship

2nd Place: Naomi Derksen (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Senior MB Composers Award: Naomi Derksen (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Manitoba Composers Scholarship

Preliminary W.A. Mozart

1st Place: Qien Yang (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Raleigh Family Scholarship

2nd Place: Vienna Chang Lu (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Raleigh Family Scholarship

Junior W.A. Mozart

1st Place: Alyssa Newitt (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Raleigh Family Scholarship

Intermediate W.A. Mozart

1st Place: Anna-Lucia Mena Shevchenko (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Raleigh Family Scholarship

2nd Place: Brianna Eldridge (Fort Frances, ON) – Rainy River District Festival of the Performing Arts
Raleigh Family Scholarship

Advanced W.A. Mozart

1st Place: Matthew Pahl (Morden, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Raleigh Family Scholarship

2nd Place: Rose Sanders (Manitou, MB) – Pembina Valley Music Festival
Raleigh Family Scholarship

Senior W.A. Mozart

1st Place: Anica Warkentine (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Raleigh Family Scholarship

Preliminary Musical Theatre

1st Place: Emma Thiele Meza (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Rolling River Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Selina Hay (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Rock Lake Festival of the Arts Scholarship

3rd Place: Dakota Harms (Snowflake, MB) – Pembina Valley Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior Musical Theatre

1st Place: Carter Martin (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Holly Owens (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

3rd Place: Kaitlyn Goertzen (Lorette, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Southeastern Manitoba Festival Scholarship

Intermediate Musical Theatre

1st Place: Mersadie Thiessen (Mitchell, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Rockwood Festival of the Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Ben McIntyre-Ridd (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Mercier Family Scholarship

3rd Place: Emily Cochrane (Virden, MB) – Virden Music & Arts Festival
Southeastern Manitoba Festival Scholarship

Advanced Musical Theatre

1st Place: Anton Sokalski (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Deloraine Border Festival Scholarship

2nd Place: Emma Coley (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Rock Lake Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Senior Musical Theatre

1st Place: Rebecca Driedger (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

2nd Place: Alec Baldwin (Gimli, MB) – Evergreen Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Junior Gilbert and Sullivan

1st Place: Dariyan Dubik (East St. Paul, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Capri Derenchuk-Ganaden (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Intermediate Gilbert and Sullivan

1st Place: Julia Anderson (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Seth Moule (Kleefeld, MB) – Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Advanced Gilbert and Sullivan

1st Place: Jaimie Rose (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Ray Andi Marcel Arsenio Ignacio (Neepawa, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Poetry and Prose Grades 4-6

1st Place: Ian Fehrmoore (Morden, MB) – Morden Festival of the Arts
Lions Club of Winnipeg Scholarship

2nd Place: Jasmyne Andries (Virden, MB) – Virden Music & Arts Festival
North Western Marquette Festival Scholarship

3rd Place: Manu Tarubal (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Virden Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Poetry and Prose Grades 7-9

1st Place: Danika Robb (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts
Thorleifson Family Scholarship

2nd Place: Dylan Southam (Virden, MB) – Virden Music & Arts Festival
Hurton Family Scholarship

3rd Place: Madison Teichroeb (Langruth, MB) – Gladstone Music & Arts Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

Poetry and Prose Grades 10-12

1st Place: Zara Stahl (Lauder, MB) – Deloraine Border Festival
Colin Mailer Memorial Scholarship

Public Speaking Grades 4-6

1st Place: Yuvan Ramachandran (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Prairie Sounds Festival
Rolling River Festival of The Arts Scholarship

2nd Place: Mae Fulton (Birtle, MB) – Birdtail River Fine Arts Festival
Tiger Hills Festival of the Arts Scholarship

Public Speaking Grades 7-9

1st Place: Jessica Ramachandran (Portage la Prairie, MB) – Prairie Sounds Festival
Larry Moore Scholarship

2nd Place: Austin Smith-Sigvaldason (Manitou, MB) – Pembina Valley Music Festival
Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Scholarship

National Classes

The following have been selected to represent Manitoba at the 2019 National Music Festival, held August 6-10 in Saskatoon, SK:

National Vocal

Recommended: Hailey Witt (Winnipeg, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts

National Piano

Recommended: Sabina Rzazade (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts Alternate: Albert Chen (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Strings

Recommended: Juliana Moroz (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Woodwinds

Recommended: Alaina Majewski (Regina, SK) – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Brass

Recommended: Allyson Crang (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts Alternate: Erik Larson (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts

National Chamber Group

Recommended: Con Brio Trio – Gabriella Nowicki (Winnipeg, MB), Elisheva Schwartz (Winnipeg, MB) & Ari Hooker (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg Music Festival

Alternate: Tritone Trio – Karol Mabel Contreras Jaramillo (Brandon, MB), Yanik Fillion-Murphy (Brandon, MB) & Eva Michelle Reimer (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts

National Musical Theatre

Recommended: Rebecca Driedger (Brandon, MB) – Brandon Festival of the Arts

The following have been selected to represent Manitoba (via recordings) at the 2019 National Music Festival, held August 6-10 in Saskatoon, SK:

National Choral Class 101

Recommended: Winnipeg Boys’ Choir – Winnipeg Music Festival

Alternate: Winnipeg Boys’ Choir Senior Chorus – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Choral Class 102

Recommended: Pembina Trails Voices - Cantemus – Winnipeg Music Festival

Alternate: St. James-Assiniboia School Division Senior Concert Choir – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Choral Class 103

Recommended: Maples Collegiate Chamber Choir – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Choral Class 105

Recommended: St. James-Assiniboia School Division Junior Concert Choir – Winnipeg Music Festival
Alternate: Pembina Trails Voices - Chorale – Winnipeg Music Festival

National Choral Class 107

Recommended: Pembina Trails Voices - Choraliers – Winnipeg Music Festival
Alternate: St. James-Assiniboia School Division Children’s Concert Choir – Winnipeg Music Festival